Volunteer Code of Conduct

As a festival volunteer:

  • I will be a responsible ambassador of the Live from the Rock Folk Festival
  • ​I will be loyal to my volunteer commitment
  • ​I understand and will follow the gate restrictions including no alcohol, drugs, glass or fireworks on the festival grounds
  • ​I will treat other volunteers, performers and the public with respect
  • I will follow all campground rules and regulations when camping in or visiting the camping areas
  • ​I will safeguard my weekend pass and volunteer t-shirt. These items are nontransferable and remain the property of the festival
  • ​I will not use or carry any alcohol or illegal substances while on volunteer duty.

Volunteers cannot be served at the Festival Pub while wearing their festival volunteer t-shirts.

Volunteers will follow all environmental policies and practices of the Live from the Rock Folk Festival.